From Babel to Pentecost: The Poetry of Pierre Emmanuel By Mary Anne O’Neil I have just been into this work of Mary Anne O’Neil’s, published in 2013. It is an exhaustive examination, translation, and explication of the works of a poet well known in France during and following World War II, one who was a devout Christian and made of his labors and life an exploration of what that faith meant, to him at least. The biographical aspects of O’Neil’s…..
A topic on my mind, as I am re-reading Aristotle’s Poetics after many years. In the Author’s Note of the Inconclusive Rule, I make this comment: “… art—and surely poetry is no exception—has as its very purpose that of inciting an individual experience, experience that embodies the enigma of being an individual, uniquely alive and uniquely mortal. Since this enigma, one from the existential class of enigmatic things, is located upon the commons of humankind, all of humankind is joined…..